My Rhymes and Reasons by Greg Asimakoupoulos

A Flood A Rainbow and A Promise-My Rhymes and Reasons 1.23.25

A Flood, A Rainbow, and A Promise-My Rhymes and Reasons

Today, I want to ask you what A Flood A Rainbow and A Promise, have in common. I will share that with you below.

It’s Greg Asimakoupoulos with today’s edition of My Rhymes and Reasons. For a Thursday here in Snoqualmie, WA, North Bend, where the two come together, Mount Si is in the distance, covered with low-lying clouds, and the sun shines.

Still, you know there’s rain in the distance, and you know what happens when the sunshine illuminates a rainstorm? You get a rainbow, and that’s what we’re zeroing in on here today.

What a beautiful sight. A gorgeous reminder of the story in Genesis where God promises never again to flood the world, to flood the Earth in such a torrential storm that would eliminate all of life except that which was protected in The Ark.

The Flood is a remarkable story filled with symbolism and layers of truth that God wanted to protect his people from judgment. God still wants to protect his people from judgment, and thus, the message of the Christian faith is Central to its Grace. Grace is the arc that allows us to withstand the Judgment of those who willingly turn their back on God.

As we live into this new year of 2025, we are given an adequate indication that Rebellion, a life apart from God, is more the norm than living by God’s word and God’s truth, and we can see that there is Evidence in the–continue to listen in the video above.

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If you missed our last My Rhymes and Reasons, it is here.


BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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