Daily Meditation

A Man Ninety Years Old Was Asked-Daily Meditation July 1, 2022

Today’s quotation:

A man ninety years old was asked to what he attributed his
longevity.  “I reckon,” he said, with a twinkle in his eye, “it’s
because most nights I went to bed and slept when I should
have sat up and worried.”-Dorothea Kent

Today’s Meditation:

I can’t tell you how many times I wish that I had gone to bed and slept rather than worried.  My mind can create so many problems for itself that I’ve often found myself worrying about little things that really didn’t matter to anyone at all–not to me, and not to anyone else.

As I grow older, fortunately, I find that it’s much easier not to worry about things.  In fact, these days I tend to annoy other people because I don’t worry about things that they think I should be worrying about.  But I know that life takes care of itself and it takes care of us, and we really have no need to worry.  Besides, I can worry all I want and I still won’t change a single thing about a situation.

It’s nice to be able to go to bed with a clear mind, even if things in life are trying to demand my attention and concern.  It’s taken me a long time to learn to say to myself, “I’ll deal with that tomorrow, and it will wait.”  Now that I know how to do so, though, my life is much, much easier and much more pleasant.

It’s a great goal to have–seeing things for what they are and not allowing worry to cloud our minds or our judgment.  Worry is a result of fear; we can’t let fear rule our lives if we’re going to live happy, fulfilling lives.  Go to bed, clear your mind, and sleep very, very well.

Questions to consider:

What would your life be like if you never allowed yourself to worry?

Have you ever seen worry actually accomplish something useful?

Why do we give worry such strength in our lives?  Where does it come from?

For further thought:

Worry is responsible for more diseases than all the germs that exist on the face of the earth.-Thurman Fleet

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