Daily Meditation

Appreciate Every Moment of Every Day-Daily Meditation 8.5.22

Today’s quotation:

Appreciate every moment of every day because in retrospect they will all have gone by too fast.-M. Buchwald

Today’s Meditation:

Time passes at its own speed, not at the speeds we’d like it to travel.  I can’t count how many times in my life I’ve looked at the date and realized that a certain amount of time had passed–“Oh, my God, it’s already early August!”  Sometimes when I’ve been extremely busy in work situations that kept me going all the time, days and weeks flew by with little time for appreciation because I was constantly on the go with work, focused on things that I normally wouldn’t have focused on had I been away from work.

Appreciation takes work and effort.  It’s not something that tends to happen normally–we often have to be reminded of those things for which we should have appreciation.  So trying to appreciate every moment can be a difficult task, but not impossible.  As long as we take the effort seriously, and make the effort consistently, we can teach ourselves to live our lives with higher levels of appreciation.

Someone’s going to move away, and we may feel that we wish we had appreciated more the time we had been able to spend with them.  Relatives will die, and we’ll wish we had appreciated their presence enough to spend even more time with them.  Summer will pass and we’ll wish that we had taken more time to appreciate the warm weather.  These are all regrets, a feeling that is much better to avoid in our lives.  And the only way to avoid regret in the future is to act in authentic ways today and get as much as we can out of each day, and give as much as we can to each day.

Each moment is an opportunity to love, appreciate, give, take, dream, learn, relax–simply to be.  Appreciate these moments, for they are all that we have right now, and how we feel in the future, when many of these moments will have passed us by, depends on how we act right now.

Questions to consider:

Do you appreciate every moment of every day?  Is it easy to do so?

How might we learn to appreciate more the things and moments in our lives?

How fast does the time go by in your life?  Have you missed moments for appreciation?

For further thought:

You’ll seldom experience regret for anything that you’ve done.  It is what you haven’t done that will torment you.  The message, therefore, is clear.
Do it!  Develop an appreciation for the present moment.  Seize every second of your life and savor it. Value your present moments.  Using them
up in any self-defeating way means you’ve lost them forever.-Wayne Dyer

appreciate every moment

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