My Rhymes and Reasons by Greg Asimakoupoulos

Are You Getting Used to the New Date 2025? 1.7.25

Are You Getting Used to The New Date 2025? My Rhymes and Reasons 1.7.25

It’s Greg Asimakoupoulos on a Tuesday, the 7th of January 2025. Are you getting used to the new date 2025? Well, the kids are back to school after Christmas break, and people are getting things put away from decorating the home. Trees are by the curb. As I’ve shared, we take our time and do not immediately take everything down because we love the season’s music.

We love the lights and sit by the fire at the end of the day with our lights on the tree still twinkling and sipping hot cocoa or a hot cup of tea. I am just listening to Alexa play carols of the season, and she does a pretty good job. I’ve got a song here I’d like to mention in just a moment, but first, let me tell you a story that I first heard my wife’s pastor, George Munising, who was the pastor at that church in Southern California for nearly 40 years. George, I heard one December Sunday after

Christmas tells the story of three kids who were on their way back to school after the break. These three elementary kids were talking about how they celebrated the Christmas season, the Christmas holiday, and Christmas day in particular, and one little boy said, ” Oh, well, we have a tradition that we follow pretty precisely the same every year.

We come from a Scandinavian tradition, so we have a smores board on Christmas Eve, Swedish meatballs, and Lea pickled herring and potato sausage. Then we go to church, sing carols, and come home, and we open our gifts on Christmas Eve because that’s how our Scandinavian grandparents said that we should do it, and we kind of like opening gifts before…hear more on the video above.

If you missed our last My Rhymes and Reasons 1.7.25, here.


BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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