Our Fontanini Nativity Set on Today’s My Rhymes and Reason 1.8.25
Our Fontanini Nativity Set on Today’s My Rhymes and Reasons on the 8th of January 2025
It’s a Wednesday, it’s the 8th of January 2025. This is our Fontanini Nativity set. It will remain up for another week or so. Like I said yesterday, we take our time reflecting, basking, and enjoying the season through which we’ve just come. This is a special little Gathering of people in our family. Some of these Fontanini characters represent our immediate family.
I won’t point out each of them, but there is Wendy and Greg, Kristen, Allison, Lauren and Allison’s husband Tim, and Lauren’s husband Scotty. They’re all represented in this Gathering of figurines. There’s even Emy and Ivy and their little friend Saurin.
Well, you can see that in addition to the Biblical characters, we have the gospel writer, St. Luke, who is not part of the official Gathering of people that the company produced when they put our Fontanini Nativity set together. This we found in an antique store back in Fredericksburg, Virginia. I love it.
It’s a wooden carved figure of St. Luke, who tells the story in Luke Chapter 2. Of course, there is 1:41, the Roman Centurion reading the census that all the world should be taxed on behalf of Caesar, Mary, and Joseph. In the crash, we loved our miniature Nativity, especially the baby Jesus.
Did you know that in most nativity sets you find in gift shops? I learned this years ago… You can hear more in the video above.