We Gradually Forge Our Most -Daily Meditation 4.19.23
Today’s quotation:
We gradually forge our most incredible instrument for understanding the world–introspection. We discover that humanity may resemble us very considerably–that the best way of knowing the inwardness of our neighbors is to know ourselves.-Walter Lippman
Today’s Meditation:
It seems somewhat contradictory to think that the best way to know the world around us is to know ourselves, but based on what I’ve learned so far, it’s definitely true. When I practice introspection, I learn more about myself, my motivations, true feelings, shortcomings, and strengths. I learn more about what I can tolerate and what I can’t–and why. I learn more about my own humanity and my feelings about life and living. When that happens, I feel closer to my fellow beings because I feel more compassion for them, as I know that, in most ways, they’re just like me, going through similar experiences, feelings, and fears.
I am unique, but I don’t necessarily live like one. I may be taking on roles that I think are important and living like others live to fit in. If I spend time in introspection, I can discover things and ways of being that are uniquely me, allowing me to become the unique creation I was born to be. If I never stop considering who and what I am, I face the risk of wearing a mask for the rest of my life because it’s the mask the world wants to see, not because it’s who I truly am.
We must carve out time in our schedules to be alone, whether locked in a quiet room or walking in a park, a forest, or in the desert, someplace where few distractions will take our minds away from our goal. When we give ourselves chances to know ourselves better, we give ourselves chances to deal with many of the issues facing us effectively and authentically, and many of the fears we have to melt away; many of our problems lose their intimidating natures and become simply speed bumps that are easily crossed.
Introspection can help us to overcome our feelings of separateness and help us to see just how much we’re like the other people who are sharing this planet with us. It’s essential that we give ourselves a chance to learn this, and we won’t do so if our focus is constantly directed outward. Take some time, be alone, and don’t be afraid to look inside–there’s a lot of beauty there!
Questions to consider:
Why does introspection seem to be something that we neglect?
What kinds of things might we learn if we took the time and made an effort to look inside ourselves honestly and sincerely?
What kinds of benefits might we reap if we were to get to know ourselves better?
For further thought:
People live with themselves. . . and don’t know themselves. “Know thyself” means: devote time each day to studying yourself. . . ferreting out your weakness, working at self-improvement, purifying your immortal soul.-Israel S. Lipkin
If you missed yesterday’s daily meditation, it is right here.