My Rhymes and Reasons by Greg Asimakoupoulos

Greeting You From the Balboa Peninsula with Greg 11.4.24

Greeting You From the Balboa Peninsula on Today’s My Rhymes and Reasons

Join Greg today, visiting the Balboa Peninsula.

Hey, it’s Monday. Welcome to a new week. I am Greg Asimakoupoulos, your host for today’s My Rhymes and Reasons edition. I’m greeting you from the Balboa Peninsula, part of Newport Beach, California.

I’ve been visiting my wife’s parents and thought I would take a few hours to enjoy the Pacific Ocean and this little Inlet at Newport Beach. It’s beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. I remember when Wendy and I were dating, we used to come down to Balboa Island, walk around the island, grab a Baloa bar, and just enjoy being together.

My friend John Huffman has had the privilege of living in Newport Beach for almost 50 years, drinking in the beauty of this impressive recreational paradise. John, you’ve won my heart, my friend. You know where to land, and do you notice the flags flying back of me? The Collegiate Flags represent USC, Stanford Cal, San Diego State, and Oregon.

Unfortunately, there’s no University of Washington, Washington State, or Seattle Pacific. None of those flags are flying, but here’s the thing above those Collegiate Flags: the United States Star Spangled Banner, the American flag overshadows the Collegiate Flags. I’m guessing that these are schools that this particular family lives here on the bay where their kids have gone. Or where Mom and Dad went and where the kids have gone.

I find it interesting because it gives me a picture of the different denominations you know. I don’t know which denomination you called home as you were growing up in the family you came from. For me, it was the Assemblies of God. My dad was an Assemblies of God pastor, my uncle Benny was an Assemblies of God Pastor, my Uncle Ben was an Assemblies of God Pastor, my Uncle Rudy was an Assemblies of God missionary…you can listen to more in the video above.

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If you missed our last post, it is here.


BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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