Shared Heart

Honoring Our Intuition-Shared Heart October 6, 2024

Honoring Our Intuition-Shared Heart October 6, 2024

Honoring our intuition is the topic of conversation today with Barry and Joyce. If you like the video, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Welcome to our home, and well, we’re continuing to send prayers, love, and connection to all the people in the Southeast who have suffered so much from the earthquake and are continuing to earthquake. I’m sorry that was us. That’s us from the hurricane and the flooding and all the damage. It’s incredible. We send them our love.

So, today’s little lesson is honoring our intuition. We did not have hurricanes here but a very intense heat spell. That’s hard for us because we’re not used to it. A big fire broke out three days ago, which was part of this heat spell. It’s just a half mile from our house. It was a bamboo nursery, and the whole greenhouse burst into flames. It was tall.

I was out shopping, Barry was doing counseling, and I got a text first from Barry’s counseling person. As they were leaving, the woman said I want to let you know that there’s a big fire, and your neighbors are all evacuating. I was like, wow, I had just come from the grocery store, and everything had been fine, and then I got a call from a young woman who lives close to the fire. She told me also that it was a big fire. You can hear more in the video above.

“This is the Vissell’s best book by far!” –Ryan, Oakland, CA

Please order here: A Couple of Miracles

We love hearing from you. Please let us know if you enjoyed it.

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Many blessings,

Barry and Joyce

If you missed our last Shared Heart, it is here.


BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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