You May Not Have Saved-Daily Meditation 2.6.24
Today’s Quotation:
You may not have saved a lot of money in your life, but if you have saved a lot of heartaches for other folks, you are a pretty rich person.-Seth Parker
Today’s Meditation on You May Not Have Saved:
Sometimes, I wish that money weren’t an issue in my life, which means that I wish I had enough to take care of all of our needs without worrying about whether there would be enough money left when the bills come due. Sometimes, I think that if I had just saved more money systematically as I went through life, I would be in a position where money wasn’t an issue.
But then I think about the nature of money–most religious leaders warn against stockpiling possessions, and money is a possession. Spending a lot of energy trying to save cash takes away from other pursuits, such as helping others and showing kindness to our neighbors. These are the things of lasting value that make a life truly successful.
On the day I die, would I be prouder to stand there and say, “I have a lot of money in the bank,” or would I be prouder to say, “I’ve contributed to making other people’s lives easier or more fulfilling?”? I know the answer to that one. Every single day that we live, we have the opportunity to help someone else. We can encourage, compliment, or lend a hand carrying something or taking care of some chore for that person. We can teach someone how to do something or give them moral support as they learn elsewhere. The number of ways that we can give to others truly is unlimited, and we can make ourselves very rich if we can focus our energies on these things.
Yes, it’s nerve-wracking. We have creditors. We can’t stop earning and paying money to perform altruistic deeds. But we can keep a sense of perspective. One of the most important lessons I ever learned in my life came in three short words. A friend who was the father of six children took them all once to an amusement park, and they invited me along–and they even paid my way. That evening, when we talked about the day, I mentioned how expensive it must have been. With a wry half-smile, he said simply, “It’s only money.”
Questions to ponder on May Not Have Saved:
1. What do the words “it’s only money” truly mean? Can we live our lives according to that belief?
2. How many different ways can you give to others that have nothing to do with money?
3. What are the repercussions on your immortal soul if you die without having a lot of money in the bank?
For further thought:
You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others.-Henry Drummond
If you missed our last Daily Meditation, it is here.