My Rhymes and Reasons by Greg Asimakoupoulos

Meer Mansion in Puyallup, Washington, is Today’s Video Talk 8.29.24

Meer Mansion in Puyallup, Washington

It’s Thursday, Greg, with Thursday’s My Rhymes and Reasons edition. Yesterday, we were at the Meer Mansion in Puyallup, Washington, and today, on Mercer Island, we are at a less ornate, more contemporary home. As I was out for my morning walk, I noticed these little needles from the tree above me on the pavement.

It drops these needles, and as I examined these little needles, guess what came to mind? The fact that Jesus says our Heavenly Father numbers the very hairs of our head.

My hair isn’t quite as prominent as it was 50 years ago when I posted some pictures from my high college graduation. It lost a lot of those hairs. The Heavenly Father doesn’t have as much work when he counts the hairs on my head, plus they’ve turned white anyway.

As I looked at these needles, I thought of the number of people worldwide. When my kids were in middle school, they had a contest to collect the tops of pop cans. They tried to get a million little aluminum can tops from Diet Coke, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew tops. You can listen to more of it in the video above.

Follow Greg’s YouTube channel.

If you missed our last My Rhymes and Reasons, it is here.


BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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