Shared Heart

Nurturing That Part of Ourselves-Joyce and Barry 9.8.24

Nurturing That Part of Ourselves-Shared Heart-9.8.24

Nurturing that part of ourselves is something that Joyce will be talking about today. Good morning on this beautiful September morning. So, rather than picking flowers today, I thought I would give you a little peek at some of my garden. Not all of it, but just some of it. I have dahlias and all kinds of different flowers up here. As you can tell, I love love love flowers and roses. I have roses down here; it’s all over the place. I think at one point, I counted. I have about 70, so I won’t pick many flowers today, but this is it.

So, back in our living room, thank you for looking at my garden in our little tour. Yeah, I just felt inspired today to talk about gardening. I talked about the importance of nurturing a plant or a tree, and, of course, the same goes for a pet, too. But nurturing something and how nurturing a plant or an animal feeds our soul and nurtures that part of ourselves, too.

Some people have said you know I can’t do gardening. I don’t have a green thumb, and I don’t believe in that at all. Well my thumb is not green, and I feel like anyone can garden. Of course, some gardeners are superb; you know that they know so much and study it and study it deeply. I’m not talking about that; I’m just talking about the willingness to water, to tend a little bit, and to rejoice in the beauty. -For more about this story, listen to the video above.

Follow Joyce and Barry on their YouTube.

If you missed our last Shared Heart post, it is here.


BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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