My Rhymes and Reasons by Greg Asimakoupoulos

Being Part of the Family of God While Playing Golf 1.15.2025

Being Part of the Family of God While Playing Golf with Greg and His Friends

Join Greg while he compares being part of the family of God with what it feels like when he plays golf with some of his closest friends.

Hey, it’s today’s edition of My Rhymes and Reasons, and I’m here with three guys I enjoy playing golf with regularly. Tim Anderson, Dick Mason, and Gary Dime. Some of you know these guys very well, while others are meeting them for the first time today.

As we played a round of golf, I asked these guys to think about how playing golf together illustrates being part of the family of God. Walking a life of Faith, how golf in and of itself illustrates aspects of the Gospel. What have you guys come up with as we’ve talked?

I’ll start Greg. Yeah, I mean, the whole thing for me is being able to get along with other men; sometimes it’s hard. Is it you don’t do that all the time, though, huh? It just is a problem with golf. But it’s a great example of the Christian life that we have to get along.

Is that hard when you play with me, Greg? Yes, I was not going to say you are personalizing this. I think you’re right.

So Gary, what do you think of when you think of golf, and how does it relate to the Christian walk? It relates to life in the ups and downs and the Christian walk. Yeah, you know, we all go through good times, joyful times, and we all go through struggling times, and that’s a game of golf, and it’s great to be with a bunch of guys. Like you guys, we need friends who can relate to that and encourage one another when we need that encouragement.

How many holes in one have you had? I had one hole-in-one, and were you playing all by yourself when you got that? No, I was playing in Winr. I was playing with my brother, my grandson, and my nephew, so I think you’d probably attest that the old Swedish proverb says a shared joy is a double joy, correct? You can hear the rest of the video above.

Follow Greg on his YouTube channel so you never miss an episode here.

If you missed Greg’s last My Rhymes and Reasons, it is located here.


BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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