My Rhymes and Reasons by Greg Asimakoupoulos

The Railroad Museum in Old Snoqualmie WA- January 22, 2025

The Railroad Museum in Old Snoqualmie WA- 1.22.25

It’s Greg Asimakoupoulos with today’s edition of My Rhymes and Reasons. From the Railroad Museum in Old Snoqualmie WA, just up the road from Northbend, still at the base of Mount Si a little bit east of Seattle, maybe 35 miles east of Seattle, and here I am in the Snoqualmie Log Pavilion, this historical marker recounts the days of the logging industry, the timber industry in the Pacific Northwest. This Pavilion was built in 1989 for the Centennial Celebration of the state of Washington.

Washington became a state in 1889, and back in those days, logging, and timber were big-time stuff. When my Norwegian grandfather and his brothers came to America from Norway way, that’s what they spent their life doing for the first several years of being in the new country. Logging falling trees and working in the Mills here is a vast tree that this Pavilion shelters.

It is, I would guess, about 15 feet in diameter, and this is the size of the trees that they would run through the Mills here in Snoqualmie back in the day. If you’ve not been to Old Snoqualmie, I would say, and you live in the Pacific Northwest, it’s well worth your time to come and see the old trains and then just up the track here a little way about 3/4 of a mile is Snoqualmie Falls you’ve seen devotionals from me that have been filmed at Snoqualmie Falls. Many times, but today, I want to call attention to the trunk, this tree ring from when I was chaplain-you can continue to listen on the video above.

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If you missed our last My Rhymes and Reasons, it is here.



BeckyWillis is a "glass is half full" type of person, so she decided that she would share that with others. After going on 15 years in the blogosphere she decided it was time to make a change and in doing so help uplift others. Her husband is her biggest cheerleader; you can visit his site at

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