Spending Time With Chuck-My Rhymes and Reasons 6.24.24
My Rhymes and Reasons for June 24, 2024
Hey, it’s Greg. It’s a Monday, and I’m here spending time with Chuck for this edition of my Rhymes and Reasons. Chuck is a very special friend from my past. Sixty years ago this month, he was saying goodbye to his sixth-grade class, and we went on our separate ways.
Most of my sixth-grade classmates, I haven’t seen them since June of 1964, but I’m so very grateful that our lives reconnected a few years ago. It had been 50-some years since I’d seen you, but we reconnected, and I guess I still feel best referring to you as Mr.
That was your first year of teaching school. I had you as a teacher, first year at a most wonderful class. Well, I felt the same way about you. You were my first male teacher, and you made an impact on my life, and I’ve never forgotten you… You can listen to the rest in the video above. or click here.