The Desire Factor by Christy Whitman

The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power by Christy Whitman
Publisher: Beyond Words Publishing (April 21, 2021)
Category: Self-help, Motivational, Creativity, Inspirational, Non-Fiction
Tour dates: March & April 2021
ISBN: 978-1582707594
Available in Print and ebook, 208 pages
My Review of The Desire Factor
The seven universal principles that Christy Whitman covers in her book “The Desire Factor” are important for anyone to try to implement into their life. It is so easy to feel sad or down. What I have realized is some of my negative feelings are controlled by my mind’s thoughts.
Reading Christy Whitman’s ‘The Desire Factor’ the seven universal principles made me realize just how much I allow my inner thoughts to control my day. Recently (well in the past year to year and a half) many things have happened in my life. I have allowed those events to control my mind which in turn has affected how I have been looking at my life.
I will be honest here. I have been finding my days difficult. It is hard for me to start my day, feeling sad without an apparent “reason”. Then I read Christy’s book and I can’t explain it to you but a light bulb came on.
For me, one of the parts that hit me like a deer in the headlights was not focusing on the past. It takes away what is in store for my life (or yours for that matter). I have been wasting so many thoughts of the past that could be keeping my future and I thank Christy Whitman for that.
Christy goes over each universal principle in depth with examples of how they have affected others in a positive way. Her way of writing makes me feel like it is just her and I in the room. In her book, Christy isn’t talking at you but more in the form of a conversation.
I love how each principle is explained as well as how each one builds upon the next one. I am the type of person that likes when the ‘parts’ fit together to bring out a final product so to speak. This is exactly what this book does. If you are searching for something BETTER, the Desire Factor is more than worth the read.
After finishing ‘The Desire Factor’ I most definitely will have to read it again. There is so much crucial knowledge within the 174 pages of her book, that it is a must for me to read it again to highlight and underline the most important passages. I will also be reading her other books because her writing style and content are that good.
Description Desire Factor by Christy Whitman
There is no limit to the amount of happiness that we, as human beings, can experience. There is no limit to how much love, laughter, excitement, or satisfaction we can feel. This universe is unendingly abundant, which means that it has the ability to yield to us whatever experiences we desire. Why, then, do some people manifest their desires so fluidly and naturally, while others are living lives of struggle, mediocrity, or quiet desperation?
Hard work alone does not guarantee a positive result. In fact, pushing forward with determination and effort when things are not going as planned usually only makes a bad situation worse. Energy – not action – is the source of all manifested things, and The Desire Factor is the definitive guide to achieving energy mastery.
The Desire Factor provides one of the most current, comprehensive, and easy to apply explorations into the realm of energy, and shows readers how – by purposefully calibrating the energetic frequency of their dominant thoughts, moods and expectations – they can bring any desire into physical form.
The book is built around 7 universal principles, each of which assists readers in connecting with and deliberately harnessing the divine energy stream that sources all things.
These are:
- The Principle of Alignment
- The Principle of Focus
- The Principle of Joyful Expectancy
- The Principle of Having
- The Principle of Loving
- The Principle of Surrender
- The Principle of Action
Each principle builds upon the last one, and together, they provide a clear path – not just toward the manifestation of objects, experiences, and conditions you desire to create in each important area of your life – but toward the personal evolution, your desires are guiding you to embrace.
Advance Praise Desire Factor by Christy Whitman
“The Desire Factor is a testament to the success principles I’ve been living and teaching for more than forty years. Whether we experience happiness or unhappiness, success or failure depends on what we, ourselves, believe we are deserving of. What we think about, talk about, feel strongly about, and act on, we attract into our lives. In this book, my friend Christy Whitman lays out a reliable road map for how to do all of the above on purpose.”-Jack Canfield, coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principles™, and a featured teacher in The Secret
“In The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman has pulled back the curtain and revealed how successful people fulfill their desires. Well-written, with engaging, easy-to-relate-to stories, this book will guide you to a completely new understanding of what fulfilling desires means and why you have the desires you have. This is one of those books to put on your must-read list.”-Chris Attwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches
“As a TM meditator of almost forty years, I’ve often felt profoundly connected to our collective quantum soup. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor beautifully makes the case that desire not only doesn’t deserve its bad rap (thanks a lot, Adam and Eve), but it’s actually one of the soup’s most transformational ingredients.”-Tom Bergeron, TV host and soup resident
“The Desire Factor is a handbook that teaches you how to manifest any desire, big or small. Christy reveals the art and science of creating fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect of your life. Bravo, Christy, for sharing these important principles.”-Cynthia Kersey, bestselling author of Unstoppable, founder & CEO of Unstoppable Foundation
About Christy Whitman
Christy Whitman is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success. Her forthcoming book The Desire Factor will be released on April 21, 2021.

Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.
Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 10-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy has helped certify over 3,000 life coaches and has helped countless others to unlock their power to manifest. She lives in Scottsdale with her husband Frederic and her two boys Alex and Maxim.
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