Dr. Willie Jolley 2023 Cavett Award Acceptance Speech
2023 Cavett Award Acceptance Speech with Dr. Willie
When Dr. Jolley won The Cavett Award, not even the announcer knew who the winner was. And neither did Dr. Jolley, which showed by his reaction!
What is the Cavett Award?
The Cavett Award is the National Speakers Association’s most cherished award. It is presented annually to the member whose accomplishments over the years have reflected outstanding credit, respect, honor, and admiration in the Association and the speaking profession and whose actions closely parallel the illustrious career of NSA’s Founder Cavett Robert, CSP, CPAE.
Since its establishment in 1973, NSA’s strength has sprung from its Founder, Cavett, whose love, encouragement, generosity, and wisdom embody the spirit of NSA today.
Visit the list of Cavett Recipients
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